Give via PayPal. Just click on the link below.
Other Ways to give
Text Donation
Text the dollar amount you wish to donate to
Mail Donation
P.O. Box 1361
Davis, CA, 95617
Give at Service
Plan to attend Sunday Service by cash or check.
Why do we give?
The Law of Circulation is what you experience when you share your resources. Give thanks for your abundance and revel in the joy of sharing it.
All is Well. We give from the Well. The well is overflowing. The well is deep, we draw from it and it is constantly replenished.
The truth is that All is Well, no matter what. What this means is that we draw from an inexhaustible well of goodness, of energy, of love. There is nothing that can possibly diminish that well. We can dip into it again and again and again and the love, the energy, the goodness of Divine consciousness will always be there.
One of the true marks of consciousness growth is that we reawaken to the joy and the power of giving. The little child whose greatest happiness was to toddle back and forth delivering treats to everyone in its path, reawakens and needs to find its expression. If any part of us feels out of alignment with that child’s energy, there is no quicker path to feeling in the flow then jumping in and flowing. You see we are each designed to be distribution points for giving and the whole secret is that as we fulfill that commission, then our lives grow.
Thank you for caring about the Center for Spiritual Living, Yolo. Thank you for caring about our mission and our vision. And thank you for realizing that your Spirit wants to give and is supported in giving. We welcome your free and your joyous gifts, no obligation, just a work of heart as you share of your good and please know how grateful we are for your deep rich powerful giving heart and we know it will fill you with the knowledge that All is Well as you respond to it and let it work through you.
Even more ways to give
Automated Bank Pay
This is an easy and effective way to systematically give via automatic bill pay. It takes just a few minutes to set up, please contact our office at (530) 302-5798 or email and someone will get back to you.
If you have stocks, bonds or other assets that you would like to donate, please contact our office at (530) 302-5798, or email Rev. David Clark at
Planned Giving
The Center for Spiritual Living, Yolo offers members and friends a way to contribute to the future of the center through a variety of gifting options and bequests. Stay tuned for more information.
Stay tuned for a video that isn’t available yet.
Financial Planning
The Center for Spiritual Living, Yolo is committed to helping you learn how to grow your money, manage it responsibly, and share it with the world. One of the best ways to start is by taking one of our courses designed to teach you how to work with money and your consciousness. Click here to see when the next class is.
Passive Giving
One of the more fun ways to give! Sign up for Nugget’s Scrip card. You will generate contributions to our church by simply shopping for what you would already be buying.